You know a tried-and-true form of prospecting for listings is geographic farming.

This is called farming because you have to cultivate the sale. It means you have to be patient and work your farm area with constant contact in order to reap the benefits! Contact by phone, text, mail, e-mail, and in person at least once a month.

I admit that geographic farming probably takes more time than before. Years ago, we knew our neighbors well. Today, we only know our neighbors enough to say hello. A farm area should be one with a good turnover rate in order for it to be worth the effort. Choose 200-400 homes at first and grow the farm gradually. Be the expert in real estate in your farm. Know the people, their kids, their pets, birthday, anniversaries... you get the idea. Drive through your farm in your car, and make sure that you have car magnets on the car that have your company name, your name and your picture on it. Stop if you see anyone in your farm and strike up a conversation. Before long, if anyone in your farm is thinking about real estate, they will think of you!

Always ask this question after any contact, “Who do you know that is interested in buying and selling real estate?” Soon you will get the people in your farm to recognize you as the expert and the referrals will start coming in.

If you would like more information contact me. I’m Ric Giumenta. You can have a good day or a bad day. It’s your choice.

Make good choices. See you next time!